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Started September 22nd, 2024. Ended December 22nd, 2024.

terran China Mihu

protoss China Zhanhun protoss Poland Bonyth

Ladder Stage Standings - Battlenet



Round of 24 Round of 16 Playoffs


Started February 11th, 2024. Ended May 19th, 2024.

protoss Russia Dewalt

protoss China Zhanhun terran China Mihu

Ladder Stage Standings - Battlenet

Ladder Stage Standings - ShieldBattery



Round of 24 Round of 16 Playoffs


Round of 16 Playoffs
Started September 3rd, 2023. Ended December 3rd, 2023.

terran China Mihu

protoss Russia Dewalt protoss Poland Bonyth

Ladder Stage Standings - Battlenet

Ladder Stage Standings - ShieldBattery



Round of 24 Round of 16 Playoffs


Round of 16 Playoffs
Started November 20th, 2022. Ended March 26th, 2023
Ladder stage featured 238 participants from 32 countries

terran China Mihu

protoss Poland Bonyth protoss Russia Dewalt

Ladder Stage Standings

Started April 10th, 2022.

protoss Poland Bonyth

protoss Russia Dewalt protoss China Zhanhun

Ladder Stage Standings

Started January 28th, 2022. Ended April 10th, 2022
Ladder stage featured 292 participants from 41 countries

terran China Mihu

protoss Russia Dewalt zerg Hungary Sziky

Ladder Stage Standings

Started October 3rd, 2021. Ended December 19th, 2021
Ladder stage featured 332 participants from 39 countries

terran China Mihu

protoss Russia Dewalt terran Canada gypsy

Ladder Stage Standings

Started April 3rd, 2021. Ended May 30th, 2021
Ladder stage featured 432 participants from 43 countries

terran Peru TerrOr

protoss Poland Bonyth zerg Poland trutaCz

Ladder Stage Standings

Started January 23rd, 2021. Ended April 3rd, 2021
Ladder stage featured 373 participants from 42 countries

protoss Poland Bonyth

terran Peru TerrOr protoss Sweden OyA

Ladder Stage Standings

Started August 23rd, 2020. Ended September 11th, 2020
Ladder stage featured 320 participants from 40 countries

protoss Poland Bonyth

protoss Russia Dewalt zerg Belgium eOnzErG

Ladder Stage Standings

Started March 23rd, 2020. Ended June 7th, 2020
Ladder stage featured 269 participants from 42 countries

protoss Poland Bonyth

zerg Poland trutaCz zerg Russia g0rynich

Ladder Stage Standings

Started December 1st, 2019. Ended February 16th, 2020
Ladder stage featured 216 participants from 38 countries

protoss Poland Bonyth

zerg Russia g0rynich protoss Canada TT1

Ladder Stage Standings

Started August 15th, 2019. Ended November 3rd, 2019
Ladder stage featured 260 participants from 32 countries

zerg Poland trutaCz

zerg Belgium eOnzErG protoss Poland Bonyth

Ladder Stage Standings

Started December 23rd, 2018. Ended March 24th, 2019
Ladder stage featured 232 participants from 33 countries

zerg Poland trutaCz

protoss Poland Bonyth protoss Russia Dewalt

Ladder Stage Standings

Started October 2nd, 2018. Ended December 23rd, 2018
Ladder stage featured 254 participants from 37 countries

zerg Belgium eOnzErG

protoss Poland Bonyth zerg Poland trutaCz

Ladder Stage Standings



Round of 24 Round of 16 Playoffs


Round of 16 Playoffs
Started January 13th, 2018. Ended June 16th, 2018

terran Peru Dandy

terran Poland kogeT zerg Belgium eOnzErG



Round of 32 Round of 16 Playoffs
Started October 25th, 2017. Ended January 21st, 2018

protoss Russia Dewalt

terran Peru TerrOr terran Peru Dandy



Started July 26th, 2013. Ended October 6th, 2013

zerg Poland trutaCz

zerg Poland ZZZero zerg Poland SouthPark

Started January 29th, 2013. Ended April 20th, 2013

zerg Poland trutaCz

zerg Poland ZZZero protoss Poland Bonyth