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Bombastic StarLeague 2

Welcome to the next installment of our bombastic tournament!

The last edition was a great success, we played over 4,000 games and many lost sheep has been lured to our Starcraft meadow! I hope it will be even better this time. I invite you to compete.

The tournament rules for ladder stage remain the same this time: you create a nickname with the prefix BSL2 (REAL NICK), join the team and fight.

Start on July 26, 2013
End on August 26, 2013


Main Tournament:

Additional Tournament:


Monty Hall
Blue Storm
Peaks of Baekdu
Tau Cross
Fighting Spirit
Lost Temple
Gorky Island

Prize Pool

BSL2 prizepool: 600 PLN will be distributed as follows:

Additionally, there will be special icons for the finalists, for the next season of iCCup.


The rules are very simple, so feel free to sign up and compete successfully!