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Bombastic StarLeague 6

You can’t stop Bombastic StarLeague!

We are happy to announce BSL Season 6 starting December 23, 2018.
As we promised, BSL Season 6 starts immediately after Season 5, just to keep you guys warmed up. It’s possible thanks to Blizzard Entertainment, because they are officially sponsoring the prize pool of Season 6! Don’t forget to thank them when you have the opportunity.

A few words about BSL

The goal of the Bombastic StarLeague is to focus on the development of talent of players outside of South-Korea.

On top of the BSL main tournament, we will continue to host a series of smaller events:
BSL Faction Wars, BSL Continental Wars, January with BSL and many more great events!

As you probably know, we are not only focusing on the very best players, but also aiming for top amateur players, we want to encourage new players to join the competition. That's why Season 6 will extend it’s format to 3 divisions: BSL ProLeague, BSL GosuLeague and BSL ChoboLeague.

How can I start playing?

It's very easy!

  1. Make your own SC:R account with BSL6-Tag on any Gateway — For example BSL6-Hatchet, BSL6-HaN, BSL6-ZZZero, BSL6-Dandy, etc.
  2. Join our website at the following URL: https://bombasticstarleague.com/
  3. Create an account and add yourself to the rankings
  4. Start playing in the Ladder Stage which begins on Sunday December 23, 2018 through to January 26 23:59 CET, 2019

Top 20 rankings will be updated every few days. Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide daily full rankings of BSL players this time. But we expect to solve some technical issues and make this feature available again.

Who will advance to the next stage?

TOP 20 Players from the ladder stage will advance to the BSL6 ProLeague.
Top 21 to 53 players from the ladder stage will advance to BSL6 GosuLeague.
Top 54 - 100 players from the ladder stage will advance to BSL6 Choboleague.

You should also continue playing BSL ladder after qualifying, as higher placement in the rankings will give you an advantage during map vetoes.

Maps and vetoes

Block Chain 1.2
Circuit Breakers
Neo Sylphid 2.0

Download BSL6 map pack

All matches during the group stages are BO3. RO8 matches and onwards are BO5. Grand Finals are BO7. All vetoes and map picks need to be made before the matches. The player with the higher ladder stage ranking can decide if they want to veto first or second. The order for vetoes is ABAB ABC for BO3, AB ABABC for BO5 and ABABABC for BO7.

Example of vetoes for the BO3 match:

Once all vetoes and mappicks are done you can start the matches.


Format Info
Click the image to view the format.


Seeds to BSL6 PROLEAGUE from BSL5:
From BSL5 CHOBO into RO24: Naugrim, nyoken, Napoleon, Mazur
From BSL5 PRO into RO16: eOnzErG, Bonyth, trutaCz, kogeT



Prize Pool

BSL5 PROLEAGUE and BSL6 PROLEAGUE prize pool of $1,000 USD is sponsored by Blizzard and will be distributed as follows:

Tournament rules

1. The tournament is residency locked.
The goal of the Bombastic StarLeague is to focus on the development of talent of players outside of Korea. Therefore, only players that are living outside of South-Korea can participate in this tournament.

2. Regular match rules
Players must be online and available on Battle.net channel Op BSL (Europe) 15 minutes before their scheduled match.
Secondary channel of communication is BSL Discord server.
15 minutes after scheduled time, if one of the players not responding, his opponent may claim technical win for one game.
15 minutes after that he can claim win for the whole series.

3. Playing matches before the schedule
Every match prior to the Elimination Stage can be played ahead of schedule if both players agree.
Contact your opponent and set up the date to play. We strongly suggest using BSL Open Discord for this so admins can keep track of things.
On the selected day, play your match. Apply the same rules as for a regular match — use Op BSL and Discord to communicate.
If both players were unable to play on their selected date/time or weren't able to set one up, match should be played as it was scheduled.
It is not allowed to livestream your games or announce the result if you are playing your match earlier.
Winner of the match must upload the replays.

4. Latency
Default Turn Rate setting is DTR.
If both players agree, Turn Rate setting can be changed.

5. Disconnects
If one of the players gets disconnected from the game before the 2-minute mark — game must be replayed. After the 2-minute mark and if one of the players had an advantage — decision is up to admin.

6. Casting the game
Everyone should allow ZZZero or another official caster to join the game for broadcast.

7. Everyone should join BSL Offlicial Discord channel: https://discord.gg/X7S87gR

8. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Hatchet, HaN or ZZZero — we are open for helping.